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Bush Regeneration

The native vegetation along Darwin’s Walk is quite degraded because the creek is within an area of urban development where escapee plants from gardens are carried down the stream and colonise, replacing native plants. As such this has become the site of extensive bush regeneration work.

Over the years tall Radiata Pines towered over the track. While they made for dramatic effect they are not kind to native plants so are being progressively removed and the logs left to decay naturally while native plants are being reestablished.

Photo: Stump of pine beginning to decay while native plants
reestablish at Darwin’s Walk, Wentworth Falls.

Words to walk with:From signage beside Darwin’s Walk explaining why the pines are being removed .“Pinus radiata are unsuitable for bushland areas as they:
  • Inhibit germination of other plants and turn the soil acidic, due to a combined chemical effect produced by their roots and shed leaves.
  • Are invasive species that form single species stands (monocultures) that exclude other species, thereby reducing plant and animal diversity. [See picture below]
  • Replace essential habitat for native plant and animal species.
  • Do not provide habitat in the form of tree hollows and through the absence of understorey plant species.
  • Pines do provide food for some species, such as Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus funereus). Pines displace food species such as Hakeas, Casuarinas and Banksias.
  • Removal of Pinus radiata will encourage these animals and birds to return to natural food sources. "
