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What's there?

When I proposed going on this drive my husband asked where it was.  I said, that track out from Woodford where the trees are tall and there were lots of birds and I took photos of paper daisies and boronia and we saw a goanna.  I always remember places from the photos I took.


  1. Lovely spot to remember, Joan:)

  2. It looks a beautiful spot.
    Funny how we use different things to remember places. It happens a lot in our house when trying to recall a place we'd visited back in our grey nomad times :D)

  3. Taking the photos simply enabled you to see the place more intimately.

  4. In the end, the image of the place that stays with me is the image in my photos. Means I'd better take good ones!

  5. Julie, yes that is true. I have enjoyed the bush so much more intimately since being a photographer.

    Winam, that's the challenge isn't it. I wish I was better.


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