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Pine Forest

Newnes State Forest

We are on our way to the Glow Worm Tunnel in the Gardens of Stone National Park, which is part of the the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

Words to walk with:
Woods by Noelle Oxenhandler
"I wish to grow dumber,
to slip deep into woods that grow blinder
with each step I take,
until the fingers let go of their numbers
and the hands are finally ignorant as paws.
Unable to count the petals,
I will not know who loves me,
who loves me not.
Nothing to remember,
nothing to forgive,
I will stumble into the juice of the berry, the shag of bark,
I will be dense and happy as fur."


  1. I remember the Glow Worm Tunnel well. A wonderfully pretty area.

  2. I like today's verse. Very focussed.

    My friend, Ian, raved about these when Shirley (his wife) and I went out to Mudgee last year. We never made them ...

  3. what a fun poem for a child to learn.

    love the pine forest...wish i could smell it.

  4. Oohh, I can smell it. Feel the texture of the bark under my fingertips, too. And the pine needles...

    I like the feeling of space the light and shade brings to this photo.


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