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I have no idea what this wall is or what hides behind it. Most things very old around here are attributed to the times when the convicts constructed the first road over the mountains in 1814. Today's highway and the railway line tend to follow a similar path to that old road.


  1. Isn't it sad when things are left to go to wrack and ruin? I found this especially so when I was in France. The money required to maintain them must be horrendous, I guess.

    I then we have the talentless graffiti sprayers ...

  2. But now you have sparked my curiosity.

  3. Perhaps they're folowing earlier paths set by aborigine feet? The path of least resistance or the path to the most extraordinary, or both?

  4. PJ, you have got it right. In my very first entry in this blog I wrote "And yet this low plateau 100kms from Sydney was an impenatrable barrier to the early settlers. It took them more than 20 years to find a way across to the valuable pasture land and beyond. Why? The challenge of the Blue Mountains and the secret of their beauty is in the sheer cliffs and deep valleys cutting into pristine wilderness."
    Until they followed aboriginal feet along the ridge they got nowhere. Doing the normal thing of following rivers they kept bumping into cliffs. There is really only one path over the mountains the one they followed and hence the one used today.

  5. Good idea. I took a look and there is a free standing building behind the wall (you can just see the top of its roof in my photo) and a smaller building that is part of the eastern corner. A tree and some piles of rubbish. But it's still mysterious.


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