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Nature Walk 2 of 8

The aged shapes and textures of remnant summer and autumn banksias.


  1. They have a fascinating life-cycle, the Banksia. So tempting to see the life of man within the life of this plant.

    These are really good images. Do you have a specialised lens for macro? The focus is so complete.

  2. I agree, Banksias fascintate me too. I have a 50mm macro lens.

  3. Those are just endlessly fascinating, I think I had heard of Banksias but your blog is where I got to know them. I didn't know they dried into such intricate shapes.

  4. Great textures. The last one looks like a bunch of clams

  5. Wow! Love all the pics, especially the one at the bottom.

  6. I love your nature walks Joan!


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