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Ferns, cliffs and water

Blackfellows Hands Trail, Newnes State Forest

For me, there can never to too much ferns, cliffs or trickling water.

Words to walk with:
It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know of wonder and humility.
~Rachel Carson


  1. the light makes it so the feel of ferns in a garden space

  2. You have a knack for photographing these lovely intimate spaces. I can just hear the dripping water reverberating from the stone walls, and imagine the damp smell of earth and water.

  3. More than agree with you! Lovely photo, so atmospheric.
    By the way, I don't know what's 'uncombed tulip' - licentia poetica I guess, but like it:)

  4. WOW! What a shot, Joan Elizabeth! Love this.

  5. No end of amazing rocks in the Blue Mountains


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