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Living deliberately

Rainforest, Megalong Valley

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
- Henry David Thoreau


  1. Beautiful, the ferns and trees and shapes and textures - not to mention the mysterious cavern behind. Makes me want to deliberately go along that trail!

    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  2. What an excellent nature shot!

  3. What an amazing sight. You are a wonderful photographer, JE.

  4. I agree with all those comments. This is such a good shot and so well represents one aspect of the Australian bush.

    The tree ferns are showing the lack of moisture up in our catchment area. I guess the rains last week will help, but they need to be regular.

    I am glad you have some time to chose the literary quotes again. I like 'em.

  5. i could look at that photo for hours!

  6. Where are the ends of the tree ferns??

    Have you seen that big tapestry in the Great Hall at Parliament House?
    Just shows what a great job Arthur Boyd did capturing the NSW bush.

  7. I was wondering if people would notice the tree ferns were missing there fronds. I have no idea why they are not there ... there were plenty of ferns in very good condition in the rainforest, these were on the side of the road so perhaps that has something to do with it. It was the light on the other tree trunks that caught my eye and I only noticed the truncated ferns when I came home.

    Letty, yes I have seen that magnificent tapistry. Boyd did capture the essence of the bush beautifully.

  8. JE - today I went to the op shop.
    And there was a big jigsaw of arthur boyd's painting - how's that for a coincidence (yep I bought it)

  9. Letty, well done! That's going to be quite a difficult one to do as the colours are quite similar across the whole canvas.


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