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Theme Day: Green

Given that most of the photographs I take are in the forest there is plenty of green in this blog so I tried to think of something else that is green and representative of the mountains.  I settled on the King Parrots which frequent the bush and our gardens.  I love to hear their high pitched call and see their colourful plumage.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants of this theme day


  1. He's a fine looking fellow, looking out from all the greenery.

  2. That's a handsome looking GREEN bird! A nice photo for theme day today!

  3. Gorgeous Greens! Happy July!

  4. Love how secluded and private he appears to be. The light is just right.

  5. That is a great shot of a King Parrot. It is a rarity here in Grafton but i trip into the hills and you will find lots of them. I love the strength in their flight. Have a great month.

  6. What a wonderful green post, Joan.

  7. OMGosh - If I saw one of those out in my bushes I would totally freak out. We have robins and wrens, the occasionaly crow - nothing as colorful or as large as a parrot! I love viewing things that are "normal" to others. so exciting! And - green - looks good

  8. Oh my, aren't you a pretty one!

  9. Great capture. Isn't he beautiful? And he's going to be even more beautiful when he finishes moulting.

  10. What a gorgeous shot! You are so lucky to have such visitors. I envy you as mine are mainly pigeons that actually leave their mess behind...

  11. You've done something really special here, wish we had such exotics!

  12. oh I missed this one.
    He's a beauty.
    Love that light green bit on his wing.

  13. A beautiful photo! Love the sense of peeking into the depths of Nature's garden!

  14. Your "green" inspired me. I linked to it today and posted some of my own green. thanks for the idea!

  15. so perfect! ... and green.

  16. Good-looking choice for the Green Theme.

  17. Very pretty bird, quite something to see in the wild. We have no parrots here in my bit of Yorkshire but there is a parakeet living wild here in the village where I live. I could not believe it when I first saw it high in a tree, maybe an escapee or one flown North from the small colonies now living around N London.
    Paul at Leeds daily photo

  18. Hi there, new to your blog. You've got some beautiful pics of the Blue Mountains here <3 He's a beauty. I can never get a pic of them up close. Great shot!

  19. Hello nice blog my friend.. its really great to see that you have a great talent in you.. keep it up...


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